Saturday, January 9, 2010

On the plane again...Stop 1 Part 1

Holidays are here again. It seems like I'm always on holiday, but one must always remind others that my last trip to Japan was indeed a business trip and not all business can be labeled as "holiday"... okay maybe it can!!! :D

In any case, real holidays are here and I'm on the planes again to see what I can see.

First up - a stopover in Japan on my way to meet my family in Hawaii. Since I was a bit late in getting my tickets to Hawaii (sorry family...), I couldn't get there until the 11th anyway. The flight route brought me to Japan anyway, so since my friend was getting married and having his wedding party on the 9th, I thought it was a great opportunity to squeeze it in!

Though I had hoped to stay in warmer climates for this trip, I figured I could endure the cold for a couple of days. So far, it's been okay, but I'm definitely a warm-weather girl now.

Last night was the party - here's a photo of the whole gang -

Ah, how I miss the crew. This is the end of everyone being in the same place as people have finished their contracts and are moving on to new ones down south or elsewhere. It's a great bunch and I miss them all dearly. Still, I know we'll keep in touch and I will always have a reason to come back for a visit!!!

More to come...
