Monday, February 9, 2009

ZOO: Teaching Moments 1

Issue 1: 5-minutes = late for both two hour sessions

On Day 1, we discussed as a class the rule for coming in late to class. Instead of having a break half-way between the two 1-hour sessions, we go for 90-minutes straight. This means that the rule for being allowed 5-minutes to be late applies to both hourly sessions in the morning and afternoon.

Yesterday wasn't a problem because class began at 10am. This morning was the first time the class began at 8am after the rules were discussed. At 8am for roll call, there were 4 students sitting in their seats. At 8:20 three more students came in and by the end of the 90-minutes 11 students were present.

The three that waltzed in first were convinced I should mark them as present for at least the second-half of the morning session because, of course, their previous teachers had done the same.

My response:
"New course, new level, new teacher, new rules".

Student response:
- Silent looks of disapproval, whispers and pouty faces.

Lesson learned: Teacher is strict...and, students are the same no matter where you go.

People are the same no matter where you go. It's comforting, at least, to know that humanity and behaviour crosses cultures and language. :D

In the end, we came to an agreement. Today, I will be flexible. Tomorrow, I will not. Any questions? None.

Until next time...


PS I will post these moments back on my Mental Meanderings blog once I am internet-friendly at home!

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