Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dubai Day 20

Only two more days left.... :(

Unfortunately, Tuesday was all about getting studying done. I plowed through another module (unit) in my "Discourse in Professional and Organizational Contexts" course. It's not my favorite I have to admit, but it has interesting bits here and there. I started a module that I should have finished last week for my "Concepts in Managing Language Programs" course, which is much more interesting for me, but I only got half way through the module, so it will require another day of studying.

I did stop early afternoon to do some cooking since we were having guests over for dinner. Michael (pronounced Me-hal) and his wife, Maride (Marith) from Ireland came for dinner in the evening. Michael and Allan work together and Maride works at a high school in Dubai. They have been here for about 9 years, so there must be something nice about it here. ;D Anyway, we had a nice time.

Before that, I made it down to the pool as I needed a break from everything for a bit. Somehow the pool was only about half level full, so not sure what is going on. Maybe they are cleaning it for Ramadan?? Will have to see if it stays that way tomorrow.

Until next time,


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