Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dubai Day 7

I'm thinking about changing my nationality to Chinese or at least just saying "Yes" when people ask me if I am.

On Day 7, my morning pool plans were foiled when the telephone/internet guy decided to take about three hours to get the job done. So far, most the technicians or people who do grunt work in Dubai seem to be the Pakistani. It seems they really don't make much money. Some are friendly, others are a bit ignorant. Typical of mankind. Anyway, Allan is now set up with a telephone landline and mercifully, has internet connection at home! No more slow connections at the cheap kiosk across the street. :D

Since I had nothing else to do, but wait around, I made a big lasagne to keep until dinner time. Yes, when I have free time, I cook. Shocking, isn't it??

When the man was finished checking that everything worked, we chatted a bit. I struggled to understand parts of what he was saying, but inevitably the question of "Where are you from?" came up. I said "America". Like everyone else who lives here (non-whites), I get a look of surprise and doubt. So, I must be Chinese. My constant battle to not be Chinese continues...maybe I should just give in!!! I politely explained I was born in Korea. Then, he asked more about my parents, then I explained I am adopted, which he didn't is somewhat amazing I do not have a really serious identity crisis. Or maybe I do!!! (or am starting to develop one, ;P)

Well, with the internet fully installed, I spent the rest of the afternoon reacquainting myself with blogs, facebook, email and everything! It was like being in a candy store! Pathetic....

I did get to the pool in the late afternoon and then in the evening, the last of Allan's furniture made it's way in. He's set up with a dining room table, six chairs, a dish cabinet (low and long - what are these called? hm... will take a picture when for when I post his apartment photos), a king-size bed and bed-side table and a washing machine he purchased without realizing one would be provided. So, he is fully furnished and it looks like a home. Very very different from his Japan apartment, but "this is what happens when the company pays for you to settle in", he says. TRUE!

My lasagne dinner was, of course, fabulous! ha ha. Then, we got to go out!!! We just went for drinks over at the Wafi Center, which I and my readers are starting to know well! We first went to a Spanish tapas bar, Seville, but they were having salsa night, so it was a little crowded and loud. After one mojito, we went to a different place called Ginseng. It had a cool Asian theme, but modern. We enjoyed some very dangerous Cosmos, which went straight to my head. So, a relaxing and happy day!

Day 8 is my spa treatment! Can't wait!!!

Until next time,



Jess said...

I believe it is referred to as a "buffet." I really wanted one, too, but we don't really have the space in our dining room.

Glad you were able to get out for a fun night on the town!

TF said...

Is it? Another lady here said "credenza".... what do you think?