Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dubai Day 9

Weekends in the UAE are generally Friday and Saturday. This sort of throws me off in my Western mentality that all work weeks start on Monday. Since I am on vacation, it is definitely easier for me to take it in stride, but many of the new people I have met say Friday when they mean Thursday because it is the last working day. It is humorous in a weird way. :)

So, luckily I was feeling better by Friday morning, but did sleep in a bit. Some mover came to get the extra washing machine and then we hung out while I tried to set up Allan's work computer to connect to his home internet. It didn't work..., but I didn't get any computer rage. Just acceptance.... Then, I got to go out and see the world a bit!

The 31st is the start of Ramadan. This means that people fast during the daylight hours, which means no drinking in public - that is water or anything! It also means no alcohol sold anywhere for a month, though in Dubai, there are some hotel bars and such type places open after the sun goes down and people gorge themselves! So, despite the fact that alcohol cannot be bought without a liquor license, there are a few known localities where such items can be bought. Not only can it be bought, but it is duty free and not taxed, unlike the stores where you can buy alcohol with a liquor license.

Thus, we hopped in the car with Heather and sped through three new Emirates - Sharjah, Ajman, and Umm Al-Quwain. So, now I can say I have been and seen four of the seven Emirates. Cool.

In Umm Al-Quwain is a supermarket that alcohol-lovers flock to. Friday was packed full of those stocking up. I found a bottle of much-loved Patron tequila there. It was a bit expensive, but since I have never actually seen it for sale, I bought a bottle in hopes of trying to transport it safely back to Japan...we'll see if it lasts that long! So, many bottles of wine, cases of beer and other spirits were purchased under the auspices of stocking up for Ramadan which is still a week away and lasts for a month. Somehow I doubt that what was purchased is going to make it that long, but you never know. :P

I did get photos, but they are on my iPhone since my camera battery died, so I will have to figure out the best way to get them online. I saw camels (no photos sadly) and lots and lots of sand. It was quite a different scene than the one I normally see in Dubai, so when I visit next time, I most definitely want to be sure to do a Desert tour and try surfing in the sand!

On to Day 10!

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